Source code for skyplane.chunk

import socket
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from enum import Enum, auto
from functools import total_ordering
from typing import Dict, Optional

[docs]@dataclass class Chunk: """A Chunk is a contiguous piece of a file (a file may be one or more chunks).""" src_key: str # human readable path where object is stored dest_key: str # human readable path where object is stored chunk_id: int chunk_length_bytes: int # checksum md5_hash: Optional[bytes] = None # 128 bits # multi-part upload/download info file_offset_bytes: Optional[int] = None part_number: Optional[int] = None upload_id: Optional[str] = None
[docs] def to_wire_header(self, n_chunks_left_on_socket: int, wire_length: int, is_compressed: bool = False): return WireProtocolHeader( chunk_id=self.chunk_id, data_len=wire_length, is_compressed=is_compressed, n_chunks_left_on_socket=n_chunks_left_on_socket )
[docs] def as_dict(self): return asdict(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(d: Dict): return Chunk(**d)
[docs]@dataclass class ChunkRequest: """A ChunkRequest stores all local state in the Gateway pertaining to a ChunkRequest.""" chunk: Chunk src_region: str dst_region: str src_type: str # enum of {"object_store", "random", "read_local"} dst_type: str # enum of {"object_store", "save_local"} src_random_size_mb: Optional[int] = None src_object_store_bucket: Optional[str] = None dst_object_store_bucket: Optional[str] = None def __post_init__(self): if self.src_type == "object_store": assert self.src_object_store_bucket is not None elif self.src_type == "random": assert self.src_random_size_mb is not None if self.dst_type == "object_store": assert self.dst_object_store_bucket is not None
[docs] def as_dict(self): dict_out = asdict(self) dict_out["chunk"] = self.chunk.as_dict() return dict_out
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(in_dict: Dict): in_dict["chunk"] = Chunk.from_dict(in_dict["chunk"]) return ChunkRequest(**in_dict)
[docs]@total_ordering class ChunkState(Enum): registered = auto() download_queued = auto() download_in_progress = auto() downloaded = auto() upload_queued = auto() upload_in_progress = auto() upload_complete = auto() failed = auto()
[docs] @staticmethod def from_str(s: str): return ChunkState[s.lower()]
def __lt__(self, other): return self.value < other.value
[docs]@dataclass class WireProtocolHeader: """Lightweight wire protocol header for chunk transfers along socket.""" chunk_id: int # long data_len: int # long is_compressed: bool # char n_chunks_left_on_socket: int # long
[docs] @staticmethod def magic_hex(): return 0x534B595F4C41524B # "SKY_LARK"
[docs] @staticmethod def protocol_version(): # v1 = base protocol # v2 = compression return 2
[docs] @staticmethod def length_bytes(): # magic (8) + protocol_version (4) + chunk_id (8) + data_len (8) + is_compressed (1) + n_chunks_left_on_socket (8) return 8 + 4 + 8 + 8 + 1 + 8
[docs] @staticmethod def from_bytes(data: bytes): assert len(data) == WireProtocolHeader.length_bytes(), f"{len(data)} != {WireProtocolHeader.length_bytes()}" magic = int.from_bytes(data[:8], byteorder="big") if magic != WireProtocolHeader.magic_hex(): raise ValueError(f"Invalid magic number, got {magic:x} but expected {WireProtocolHeader.magic_hex():x}") version = int.from_bytes(data[8:12], byteorder="big") if version != WireProtocolHeader.protocol_version(): raise ValueError(f"Invalid protocol version, got {version} but expected {WireProtocolHeader.protocol_version()}") chunk_id = int.from_bytes(data[12:20], byteorder="big") chunk_len = int.from_bytes(data[20:28], byteorder="big") is_compressed = bool(int.from_bytes(data[28:29], byteorder="big")) n_chunks_left_on_socket = int.from_bytes(data[29:37], byteorder="big") return WireProtocolHeader( chunk_id=chunk_id, data_len=chunk_len, is_compressed=is_compressed, n_chunks_left_on_socket=n_chunks_left_on_socket )
[docs] def to_bytes(self): out_bytes = b"" out_bytes += self.magic_hex().to_bytes(8, byteorder="big") out_bytes += self.protocol_version().to_bytes(4, byteorder="big") out_bytes += self.chunk_id.to_bytes(8, byteorder="big") out_bytes += self.data_len.to_bytes(8, byteorder="big") out_bytes += self.is_compressed.to_bytes(1, byteorder="big") out_bytes += self.n_chunks_left_on_socket.to_bytes(8, byteorder="big") assert len(out_bytes) == WireProtocolHeader.length_bytes(), f"{len(out_bytes)} != {WireProtocolHeader.length_bytes()}" return out_bytes
[docs] @staticmethod def from_socket(sock: socket.socket): num_bytes = WireProtocolHeader.length_bytes() header_bytes = b"" while len(header_bytes) < num_bytes: header_bytes += sock.recv(num_bytes - len(header_bytes)) assert len(header_bytes) == num_bytes, f"{len(header_bytes)} != {num_bytes}" return WireProtocolHeader.from_bytes(header_bytes)
[docs] def to_socket(self, sock: socket.socket): assert sock.sendall(self.to_bytes()) is None