
This page compares the performance of Skyplane and cloud data transfer tools such as AWS DataSync and Google Cloud Data Transfer. Achieved results vary depending on the region tested, the size of the file, and the number of VMs used.

Benchmark: Large file benchmark#

In this benchmark, we measure the impact of striping on large file transfers. We transfer a single large file between two AWS regions. Overall, Skyplane is 113.4x faster than the AWS DataSync for the largest tested file transfer.

Large file benchmark

Benchmark setup:

  • Source: AWS ap-southeast-2 (Sydney)

  • Destination: AWS eu-west-3 (Paris)

  • Number of files: 1x

  • File size: {4, 8, 16, 32, 64}GB

  • Number of Skyplane VMs: 8

Benchmark: Cost comparison w/ compression#

In this benchmark, we measure the impact of Skyplane’s decompression algorithm which saves a great deal of data egress fee. In addition, Skyplane does not charge any service fee. Overall, Skyplane is 6.2x cheaper than AWS DataSync when transfering uncompressed 220GB dump of English Wikipedia.

Cost comparison w/ compression

Benchmark setup:

  • Source: AWS us-east-1 (North Virginia)

  • Destination: AWS us-west-2 (Oregon)

  • Number of files: ~14,000x (sharded to 16 MB chunks)

  • File size: 223.67 GB

  • Number of Skyplane VMs: 8

Benchmark: ImageNet transfer on AWS#

In this benchmark, we measure the transfer speed and universal support of Skyplane API. For transfering a 70 GB fake imagenet, Skyplane supports transfers across AWS, GCP, and Azure. It completes the transfer in around 25 seconds for selected transfer region pair below. However, AWS DataSync only supports transfers into and out of AWS services, and it is slow.


Benchmark setup:

  • Source: labeled on axis

  • Destination: labeled on axis

  • Number of files: 1,152x (training and validation batches)

  • File size: 70 GB

  • Number of Skyplane VMs: 8

Benchmark: ImageNet transfer on GCP#

In this benchmark, we measure the transfer speed and universal support of Skyplane API. For transfering a 70 GB fake imagenet, Skyplane supports transfers across AWS, GCP, and Azure. It completes the transfer in around 60 seconds for selected transfer region pair below. However, GCP Data Transfer only supports transfers into GCP services, and it is slow.


Benchmark setup:

  • Source: labeled on axis

  • Destination: labeled on axis

  • Number of files: 1,152x (training and validation batches)

  • File size: 70 GB

  • Number of Skyplane VMs: 8

Benchmark: Impact of Chunk Sizes on Transfer time and Throughput#

In this benchmark, we measure the transfer speed and throughput of a transfer with 100 roughly 140 MB files. The transfer was done from an S3 bucket in us-west-1 to another S3 bucket in us-east-1.

Chunk Size



5 MiB

81.91 s

1.36 Gbps

8 MiB

34.64 s

3.23 Gbps

16 MiB

19.47 s

5.74 Gbps

32 MiB

19.89 s

5.62 Gbps

64 MiB

16.17 s

6.91 Gbps

128 MiB

18.20 s

6.14 Gbps

Instructions to replicate benchmarks#

To replicate select benchmarks, see the following guide: