Source code for skyplane.api.client

import uuid
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional

from skyplane.api.config import TransferConfig
from skyplane.api.dataplane import Dataplane
from skyplane.api.provisioner import Provisioner
from skyplane.api.obj_store import ObjectStore
from skyplane.api.usage import get_clientid
from skyplane.obj_store.object_store_interface import ObjectStoreInterface
from skyplane.planner.planner import DirectPlanner, ILPSolverPlanner, RONSolverPlanner
from skyplane.utils import logger
from skyplane.utils.definitions import tmp_log_dir
from skyplane.utils.path import parse_path

    from skyplane.api.config import AWSConfig, AzureConfig, GCPConfig, TransferConfig

[docs]class SkyplaneClient: """Client for initializing cloud provider configurations.""" def __init__( self, aws_config: Optional["AWSConfig"] = None, azure_config: Optional["AzureConfig"] = None, gcp_config: Optional["GCPConfig"] = None, transfer_config: Optional[TransferConfig] = None, log_dir: Optional[str] = None, ): """ :param aws_config: aws cloud configurations :type aws_config: class AWSConfig (optional) :param azure_config: azure cloud configurations :type azure_config: class AzureConfig (optional) :param gcp_config: gcp cloud configurations :type gcp_config: class GCPConfig (optional) :param transfer_config: transfer configurations :type transfer_config: class TransferConfig (optional) :param log_dir: path to store transfer logs :type log_dir: str (optional) """ self.clientid = get_clientid() self.aws_auth = aws_config.make_auth_provider() if aws_config else None self.azure_auth = azure_config.make_auth_provider() if azure_config else None self.gcp_auth = gcp_config.make_auth_provider() if gcp_config else None self.transfer_config = transfer_config if transfer_config else TransferConfig() self.log_dir = ( tmp_log_dir / "transfer_logs" / f"{'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}-{uuid.uuid4().hex[:8]}" if log_dir is None else Path(log_dir) ) # set up logging self.log_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) logger.open_log_file(self.log_dir / "client.log") self.provisioner = Provisioner( host_uuid=self.clientid, aws_auth=self.aws_auth, azure_auth=self.azure_auth, gcp_auth=self.gcp_auth, )
[docs] def copy(self, src: str, dst: str, recursive: bool = False, num_vms: int = 1): """ A simple version of Skyplane copy. It automatically waits for transfer to complete (the main thread is blocked) and deprovisions VMs at the end. :param src: Source prefix to copy from :type src: str :param dst: The destination of the transfer :type dst: str :param recursive: If true, will copy objects at folder prefix recursively (default: False) :type recursive: bool :param num_vms: The maximum number of instances to use per region (default: 1) :type num_vms: int """ provider_src, bucket_src, self.src_prefix = parse_path(src) provider_dst, bucket_dst, self.dst_prefix = parse_path(dst) self.src_iface = ObjectStoreInterface.create(f"{provider_src}:infer", bucket_src) self.dst_iface = ObjectStoreInterface.create(f"{provider_dst}:infer", bucket_dst) if self.transfer_config.requester_pays: self.src_iface.set_requester_bool(True) self.dst_iface.set_requester_bool(True) src_region = self.src_iface.region_tag() dst_region = self.dst_iface.region_tag() dp = self.dataplane(*src_region.split(":"), *dst_region.split(":"), n_vms=num_vms) with dp.auto_deprovision(): dp.provision(spinner=True) dp.queue_copy(src, dst, recursive=recursive)
# methods to create dataplane
[docs] def dataplane( self, src_cloud_provider: str, src_region: str, dst_cloud_provider: str, dst_region: str, solver_type: str = "direct", solver_required_throughput_gbits: float = 1, n_vms: int = 1, n_connections: int = 32, debug: bool = False, ) -> Dataplane: """ Create a dataplane and calculates the transfer topology. :param src_cloud_provider: the name of the source cloud provider :type src_cloud_provider: str :param src_region: the name of the source region bucket :type src_region: str :param dst_cloud_provider: the name of the destination cloud provider :type dst_cloud_provider: str :param dst_region: the name of the destination region bucket :type dst_region: str :param type: the type of the solver for calculating the topology (default: "direct") :type type: str :param num_vms: The maximum number of instances to use per region (default: 1) :type num_vms: int :param n_connections: The maximum number of connections to use in topology per region (default: 32) :type n_connections: int :param debug: If true, will print debug logs (default: False) :type debug: bool """ if solver_type.lower() == "direct": planner = DirectPlanner(src_cloud_provider, src_region, dst_cloud_provider, dst_region, n_vms, n_connections) topo = planner.plan()"[SkyplaneClient.direct_dataplane] Topology: {topo.to_json()}") return Dataplane( clientid=self.clientid, topology=topo, provisioner=self.provisioner, transfer_config=self.transfer_config, debug=debug ) elif solver_type.upper() == "ILP": planner = ILPSolverPlanner( src_cloud_provider, src_region, dst_cloud_provider, dst_region, n_vms, n_connections, solver_required_throughput_gbits ) topo = planner.plan()"[SkyplaneClient.ilp_dataplane] Topology: {topo.to_json()}") return Dataplane( clientid=self.clientid, topology=topo, provisioner=self.provisioner, transfer_config=self.transfer_config, debug=debug ) elif solver_type.upper() == "RON": planner = RONSolverPlanner( src_cloud_provider, src_region, dst_cloud_provider, dst_region, n_vms, n_connections, solver_required_throughput_gbits ) topo = planner.plan()"[SkyplaneClient.ron_dataplane] Topology: {topo.to_json()}") return Dataplane( clientid=self.clientid, topology=topo, provisioner=self.provisioner, transfer_config=self.transfer_config, debug=debug ) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Dataplane type {solver_type} not implemented")
def object_store(self): return ObjectStore()