
We’re ready to install Skyplane. It’s as easy as:

---> Install skyplane from PyPI:
$ pip install "skyplane[aws]"

# install support for other clouds as needed:
#   $ pip install "skyplane[azure]"
#   $ pip install "skyplane[gcp]"
#   $ pip install "skyplane[all]"


If you are using an M1 Macbook with the arm64 architecture, you will need to install skyplane as follows:


Setting up Cloud Credentials#

Skyplane needs access to cloud credentials to perform transfers. To get started with setting up credentials, make sure you have cloud provider CLI tools installed:

---> For AWS:
$ pip install awscli

---> For Google Cloud:
$ pip install gcloud

---> For Azure:
$ pip install azure-cli

Once you have the CLI tools setup, log into each cloud provider’s CLI:

---> For AWS:
$ aws configure

---> For Google Cloud:
$ gcloud auth application-default login

---> For Azure:
$ az login

Now, you can initialize Skyplane with your desired cloud providers. Skyplane autodetects cloud credentials and valid regions from your CLI environment.

---> Setup cloud provider connectors:
$ skyplane init

Transferring Data via Skyplane CLI#

We’re ready to use the Skyplane CLI! Let’s use skyplane cp to copy files from AWS to GCP:

---> 🎸 Ready to rock and roll! Copy some files:
$ skyplane cp -r s3://... gs://...

To transfer only new objects, you can instead use skyplane sync:

---> Copy only diff
$ skyplane sync s3://... gs://...

To transfer from local disk or HDFS cluster, you can use skyplane cp as well:

(Note: On-Prem require additional setup. Please navigate to the On-Prem section for more details)

---> Copy from local disk
$ skyplane cp -r /path/to/local/file gs://...

---> Copy from HDFS
$ skyplane cp -r hdfs://... gs://...